Motivational Moments

The Podcast From Motivational Steps

Episode 110: Living with Life’s Challenges

Published: April 11th, 2017 Permalink

I’m back with some helpful tips and strategies for dealing with your life challenges.

Episode 109: Spend Your Money Wisely

Published: March 26th, 2017 Permalink

It may not be true that the more money you spend on something, means it is always the best purchase. What other factors can come into play when selecting a brand for a product or service?

Episode 108: Saying Thank You to Men on International Women’s Day

Published: March 8th, 2017 Permalink

Linda Ockwell-Jenner takes a few minutes out of her day to share her candid thoughts on International Women’s Day, and specifically the hot button topic of the role of men. This year, the Prime Minister of Canada’s wife, Sophie Grégoire Trudeau made comments suggesting the day should also include thanks to the men in women’s lives. It turned into something of a debate. Don’t miss Linda’s thoughts!

Episode 107: Interview with Leon Logothetis

Published: February 27th, 2017 Permalink

Leon Logothetis is a global adventurer, motivational speaker & philanthropist. It wasn’t always that way. He used to be a broker in the city of London where he felt uninspired and chronically depressed. He gave it all up for a life on the road. This radical life change was inspired by the inspirational movie The Motorcycle Diaries.

Find out more about The Kindness Diaries and the inspirational Leon Logothetis at

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